Intuit campaign offers small business chance at funding

In the spirit of Spring, Intuit plans to help 15 more small-business owners get what they need this season through our Small Business Growing Strong campaign.

Between April 2 and May 12, 2013, submit your small-business wish online for a chance to win. Winners will be determined based on three criteria: the number of votes the wish receives, the wish’s feasibility, and the transformational impact the wish could have on the business. The first wish will be granted May 6, and we’ll announce one winner a day after that. In addition, the five entrepreneurs whose wishes get the most votes from fans, customers, and other supporters will receive free Intuit products.

To date, Intuit has awarded more than $1.2 million to hard-working small-business owners who are making their dreams a reality and positively impacting their communities in the process.
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