Hello SOLE Mates,
Things are heating up early this spring - the weather, for sure, but also activities and events for SOLE and Think Columbus First (TCF). TCF is the face of our campaign to educate citizens about how they can support the local economy.
If you haven’t visited our websites recently, please do - we’ve made several upgrades! SOLE now features sliding graphics on the home page and several blog entries have been added on the TCF site. You can also keep up with us on Facebook or search Think Columbus First, and be sure to LIKE us!
* = Volunteers! See the list below of Upcoming Events where SOLE/TCF will be presenting or exhibiting… * Events with an asterisk indicates that we need volunteers!Contact Chuck Lynd <[email protected]> or 614-354-6172 if you can help out for an hour or two at one of the events.
Earth Day is fast approaching and SOLE will be a sponsor at the Celebration on Saturday, April 21 on the Columbus Commons downtown. Look for exhibit tents from the SOLE Coalition clustered together, celebrating local: Simply Living, SBB, Local Matters, ECDI, and Kemba. We’re working with the Earth Day organizers and the vendors to make our specially marked “Spend Me Local” $2 bills available as change. Buy a beer for $3 and get a $2 bill as change from your $5 bill.
E-Waste Collection to Benefit SOLE! A special shout out to Big Green Head! Their E-waste drop off collection site kicks off April 13-14 at Easton Town Center, and some of the proceeds from the event will go to SOLE! Many thanks, Karen!
SOLE at BALLE National Conference in May… SOLE Steering Committee membersOron Benary of Brothers Drake and Wolf Starr of SBB will be attending AND presenting at the conference. Todd Mills of Local Matters and Chuck Lynd of Simply Living will be attending as well. Bob Leighty, who just launched Food Start, also plans to register.
Upcoming Events!
> SOLE Talk at UU Church in Bellville OH - Sun April 1, 10:30 am Talk on Local Economy during the Service; 1:30 pm - film, Economics of Happiness, a film that addresses the problems of economic globalization and the alternative approach of economic localization.Location: 25 Church St., Bellville, OH 44813.
> *Earth Day Exhibit/Sponsor Plans, April 21 at Columbus Commons
> Slow Money Ohio meeting, Mon, April 2 at Till (formerly Dragonfly restaurant), 247 King Ave, Columbus, OH 43201.
> Simply Living Social at Celebrate Local - Fri, April 13, 6:30 - 8:30 pm at Easton Town Center, next to the Apple store on Strand Ave.
> BALLE Conference May 15-18 (Tues – Fri) in Grand Rapids, MI
> *Midwest Fair Trade Fest Sat May 12 at Ohio State 4-H Center (2201 Fred Taylor Drive) from 10-5 on Saturday, May 12, 2012. Please call 614 621-1744 or 614 262-5535 for more information!
> E-Waste Drop-Off at Easton Town Center -
> *Green on the Green in Worthington Sat May 19
> *Comfest June 22-24 (Fri-Sun)
> *Independents’ Day Sept 15, 2012 downtown Columbus
Invest Local Ohio! SOLE partners with ECDI to offer informational meetings on ECDI’s Invest Local Ohio fund. We’ve offered 3 sessions so far and many of the 30+ participants decided to invest in the new fund. ECDI provides micro loans to local entrepreneurs with sums ranging between $500 and $100,000. If you would like to be notified when the next session will be offered, email [email protected]. These meetings are free and limited to 12 participants in order to allow time for questions.
Local Dollars, Local Sense is hot off the press! Authored by Michael Shuman, BALLE’s research director, the book addresses the role of “community capital” in building a strong local economy. Numerous models are described, including “Slow Money” lending circles, cooperative businesses/equity capital, and pooled funds for micro lending. ECDI’s Invest Local Ohio fund is described in the book - both the fund and the book are highly recommended.
Slow Money Ohio, affiliated with the national Slow Money Alliance founded by Woody Tasch (author of Slow Money) was formed at the OEFFA conference in February. If you are interested in membership and exploring local lending circles for food and related food businesses, contact Filippo Ravalico <[email protected]> for more information.
Best to all,